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Faculty - Statistics

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Research Interest

Biostatistics, Medical Statistics, Clinical Statistics, 
Categorical Data Analysis, Survival Analysis

Journal Articles

  • (2024)  순서형, 영과잉 가산자료 특징을 가지는 과학화 전투훈련자료에 대한 적합 분석 방안 연구.  국방정책연구.  40,  2
  • (2020)  Sparse linear discriminant analysis using the prior-knowledge-guided block covariance matrix.  CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS.  206,  -
  • (2020)  Statistical tests for biosimilarity based on relative distance between follow-on biologics for ordinal endpoints.  Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods.  27,  1
  • (2019)  Assessment of the effect of transobturator tape surgery on women's sexual function using a validated questionnaire.  Obstetrics and Gynecology Science.  62,  2
  • (2018)  혼합정규분포를 가정한 조건부 상호정보의 준모수적추정량을 이용한 고차원 자료에서의 변수선택.  한국데이터정보과학회지.  29,  6
  • (2018)  Prevalence and Predictors of Hypoglycemia in South Korea.  AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MANAGED CARE.  24,  6
  • (2018)  Persistence of biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Ananalysis of the South Korean NationalHealthInsuranceDatabase.  SEMINARS IN ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM.  47,  4
  • (2018)  연구수가 적은 이변량 확률효과메타분석모형에 있어서통합처리효과에 대한 추론.  한국데이터정보과학회지.  29,  1
  • (2017)  Pediatric fluoroquinolone prescription in South Korea before and after a regulatory intervention: A nationwide study, 2007-2015.  PLOS ONE.  12,  5
  • (2017)  Modified linear discriminant analysis using block covariance matrix in high-dimensional data.  COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION.  46,  3
  • (2016)  Analysis of long series of longitudinal ordinal data using marginalized models.  COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS.  94,  1
  • (2016)  A joint modeling of longitudinal zero-inflated count data and time to event data.  응용통계연구.  29,  7
  • (2014)  조건부 상호정보를 이용한 분류분석에서의 변수선택.  한국데이터정보과학회지.  25,  5
  • (2013)  시계열 적용기간에 따른 사망력 추정 및 예측결과 비교- LC모형과 LC 코호트효과 확장모형을 중심으로 -.  응용통계연구.  26,  6
  • (2013)  Predictors of postoperative antimuscarinics in women with mixed urinary incontinence after transobturator surgery.  INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL.  24,  3
  • (2012)  An Estimation of an Old Age Mortality Rate using CK Model and Relational Model.  한국통계학회 논문집.  19,  6
  • (2012)  Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Microsatellite-Unstable Colorectal Carcinomas Depend on L1 Methylation Level.  ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY.  19,  11
  • (2012)  ALU and LINE-1 hypomethylations in multistep gastric carcinogenesis and their prognostic implications.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER.  131,  6
  • (2012)  영어사교육 참여 및 영어사교육비 지출에 영향을 주는 변인분석.  Foreign Languages Education.  19,  3
  • (2012)  Comparison of the renal safety between carbon dioxide absorbent products under sevoflurane anesthesia: a pilot study.  Korean Journal of Anesthesiology.  63,  1


  • (2015)  통계학원론.  박영사.  Solo
  • (2005)  생활속의 통계.  자유아카데미.  Co-author
  • (2004)  교육평가 용어사전.  학지사.  Co-author
  • (2003)  통계학개론.  박영사.  Co-author

Conference Paper

  • (2016)  Feature selection based on semiparametric estimator of conditional mutual information assuming normal mixture.  2016 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting.  JAPAN
  • (2014)  Feature selection using conditional mutual information.  International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, and Financial Mathematics 2014 with IASC-ARS Sessions.  MALAYSIA
  • (2013)  Modified LDA using Block Covariance Matrix in High-dimensional Data.  2013년도 추계학술논문발표회.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2013)  국내 18세 미만 소아청소년에서 전신 작용 플루오로퀴놀론계 항생제의 사용 현황분석.  대한소아과학회 추계학술대회초록집.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2013)  고차원 자료에서 벌점함수를 이용한 선형판별분석.  2013년도 춘계학술논문발표회.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2013)  고차원 자료 분류분석에서 향상된 조건부 상호정보를 이용한 유전자선택 방법.  2013년도 춘계학술논문발표회.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2012)  Modified Linear Discriminant Analysis.  2012 Joint Statistical Meetings.  UNITED STATES
  • (2007)  The impact of age on the fertility after laparoscopic myomectomy.  제93차 대한산부인과학회 학술대회지.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2006)  Predictors of leiomyoma recurrence after laparoscopic myomectomy.  제92차 대한산부인과학회.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2003)  Carbon Dioxide Levels in the Operating Room during Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery.  Anesthesia & Analgesia.  UNITED STATES
  • (2002)  Tests to Detect Changes in Micro-flora Composition.  Proceedings of the 4th ARS Conference of the IASC(The 4th Conference of the Asia Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing).  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2002)  Categorical Data Analysis.  The 4th conference of the Asia Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2001)  Small Sample Characteristics of Generalized Estimating Equations for Categorical Repeated Measurements.  53rd International Statistical Institute.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (1999)  The Saddlepoint Approximations for Statistical Inference in Contingency Tables.  한국통계학회 추계학술발표회 논문집.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF