Location | 3F Room No.316, Dasan Hall of Economics |
Address | 25-2, Sungkyunkwan-Ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea |
Telephone | 82-2-760-0946/0949 |
econ0949@skku.edu |

The Department of Economics in SKKU is one of the best universities, especially known for outstanding faculty. These faculty members not only perform vibrant research in diverse fields, but are also dedicated to teaching, inspiring, and serving our community.
We provide a curriculum which focuses on the practical understanding of the economy with a variety of topics; from traditional subjects to financial economics, political economy, health economics, and so on. The mission of the Department of Economics is to develop students’ capability to perform economic analysis and problem-based economics knowledge. More specifically, our students are able to learn 1) theoretic analysis and rational thinking, 2) how to apply economic ideas to practical issues, and 3) how to evaluate public policies. Our curriculum is suitable for achieving our educational goal for its broad topic coverage and systematic design.
Another distinctive feature of our department is that several groups of professors and graduate students participate in group research (laboratory) activities. Students may choose a lab by specific research fields of their interest. There are currently six labs (microeconomic theory, marcoeconomics, industrial organization, public finance, labor economics, and financial economics) actively running with regular meetings, lunch seminars, and co-working opportunities. In lab activities, the students can develop their understanding of major fields, research experiences, and cooperative ability with colleague students.