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For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
ECO2004 Macroeconomics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean,English,Korean Yes
Study and analysis of macroeconomic theory and policy at the intermediate level.Topics include national income and employment determination, analysis of aggregate demand and supply, the general equilibrium of national economy, monetary and fiscal policy, new keynesian economics, new classical economics, and related issues of economic growth and fluctuations. In addition, explore open economy of macroeconomic analysis, focusing on exchange rate, balance of payment and foreign exchange market.
ECO2005 Mathematics for Economics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean,Korean Yes
The purpose of this course is to acquaint economics majors with the mathematicaltools used in economics. They include calculus, linear algebra, matrix algebra, optimization, differential equation, difference equation, and set theory.
ECO2006 Economic History 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
A survey of European and Asian economic history. Representative topics considered are the ancient economy, the medieval economy, the period of commercial capitalism, and the industrial revolution in Western Europe. The course extends coverage to the modern economic histories of Asian countries.
ECO2007 History of Economic Thought 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 - No
Historical survey of major streams of economic thought including classical, Marxian, institutionalist, neo-classical, monetarist, and radical thoughts. This course emphasizes discussion and evaluation of the orgins, methodology and validity of various economic theories as viewed from a historical perspective.
ECO2008 Money and Banking 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean,English,Korean Yes
Study of the nature and function of money and the role of the monetary sector in the determination of income and employment. Attention is given to the institutional framework, money markets, commercial banking deposit expansion, and monetary policy and its instruments.
ECO2010 Public Finance 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
An economic analysis of government policy in market economies, examines efficiency and equity arguments for government intervention, economic theories of government decision making, and empirical evidence on government programs. Discussion of the economics of taxation, public expenditures, fiscal policy, budgeting, eudcation, and social security. Focus on public sector economics, taxation in efficiency and equity, expenditure structure, effects fiscal policy upon economic stability and growth, and evaluation of policy effectiveness.
ECO2011 Statistical Analysis for Economics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean,English Yes
This course is designed not only to provide basic statistical theories needed for the study of economics, but also to build up practical knowledge of applying statistical methods to real life situations by utilizing proper statistical computer package programs. This is a pre-requisite to Econometrics.
ECO2012 Industrial Organization 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
Theoretical and empirical study of firms and market organizations including market structure, behavior and performance. Special attention will be given to problems of market concentration, pricing policies, and evaluation of market performances.
ECO2013 International Trade Theory 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean,English Yes
A principle analysis of the pure theory of international trade. This course willinclude selected topics such as gains from trade, theories of comparative advantage, production and consumption in the model of international trade, effects of international trade on the factors of production, growth and welfare aspects of trade, trade policies, and economic unions.
ECO2014 Numerical Analysis for Economics 3 8 Major Bachelor 2 - No
Scientific and numerical computing is a booming fields in Economics. The revolution in the computer industry over the last several decades has provided new and powerful tools for computational practitioners. Computing is an interdisciplinary activity that requires experience and expertise in both theoretical and practical subject in Economics. A student understanding of mathematics and scientific thinking is a fundamental requirement for effective computational work. Equally important is solid training in computer programming. This course is to bridge these two subjects by introducing how scientific computing can be done using the Python programming language and the computing environment that has appeared around this language. The students will be equipped with basic training in mathematics and numerical methods and basic knowledge about Python programm for Economics.
ECO3001 Mathematical Economics 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 English Yes
This course deals with the analytical and the mathematical aspect of economic theory. It also deals with the game-theoretic analysis of various economic situations. Topics include general equilibrium theory, game theory and information economics.
ECO3002 Korean Economic History 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Korean Yes
Historical Survey of the modernization process of Korean Economy. Discussed periods start from the early Yi dynasty and extend to the 1950's capitalism. Main issues and the structure of pre-modern Korea, the colonial changes in traditional agriculture and industry, and the industrialization of Korean Economy after Liberation.
ECO3003 Economic History of Modern Age 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Korean,Korean Yes
Review of economic development in Europe from ancient times to the present. Topics include capitalism in industrial revolution, changes in agricultural structures, growing importance of commerce in the 19th Century, and the two world wars and their economic consequences. Topics may also include modern issues such as the importance of investment, technological change and trade as sources of growth; the development of trading blocks; the retardation problems which developed in both systems in the 1970s; the collapse of the CMEA economies; the economic development of the European Union; the economic performance of European economies in the 1990s.
ECO3005 Econometrics 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 English,Korean Yes
Econometric theories and models will be discussed in an introductory level. It will also be discussed how to make an inference on economic theories and how to evaluate economic policies and forecasts with the applications of econometric models.
ECO3006 Game Theory and Applications 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 English Yes
This course is intended to familiarize economics majors with game theory and its applications. It first considers how to set up and solve games. It then considers topics such as strategic entry deterrence, strategic choice of managerial incentives, games between a principal and an agent, auctions, bargaining, strategic trade policy, public goods, and club goods.