[경제학과] 9월 12일 BK 목요세미나 안내
- 진하은
- 2024-09-09
이번 주 9/12(목)에 진행되는 목요세미나 일정 안내 드립니다.
- 일시: 2024년 9월 12일 (목) 16:30 - 17:45
- 장소: 경영관 33503호
- 발표자: 이시하 교수님 (한국외대)
- 주제: Fertility Incentives in Canada: A Cohort Analysis
- Abstract: We study the fertility effects of the 1997 Quebec Family Policy, which introduced universal childcare and simultaneously ended its newborn allowance. Using a 20% sample of Canadian tax returns, we find that the reform reduced overall fertility at the intensive margin but had varying impacts by life stage. For younger cohorts of women early in their careers and family planning, the reform increased their likelihood of having a first or second child without reducing employment, suggesting that subsidized childcare may have helped young women balance work and family life. In contrast, for older cohorts of women, most of whom already had at least one child, the reform boosted employment but decreased the likelihood of having more children, implying that increased maternal employment may have raised the opportunity costs of additional children.