[경제학과] 11월 14일 BK 목요세미나 안내
- 진하은
- 2024-11-12
이번 주 11월 14일 목요일에 진행되는 목요세미나 안내 드립니다.
- 일시: 2024년 11월 14일 (목) 16:30 - 17:45
- 장소: 경영관 33503호
- 발표자: 이창근 교수님 (KDI School)
- 주제: Mega Foreign Firm’s Entry And Productivity Spillovers: Evidence From Samsung In Vietnam
- Abstract: Economists have explored how foreign direct investment (FDI) improves developing countries’ economic outcomes, such as jobs and firm productivity. Recent literature has shown that the effects go beyond FDI firms, creating spillover effects for firms in the same industry or region. This paper investigates the most prominent episode of “big foreign firm opening” in a developing country - Samsung Electronics in Vietnam. Examining firm-level microdata, we find that the establishment of Samsung, one of the largest MNCs in the world, raised the TFP and labor productivity in the same regions by two and twelve percentage points. Such positive spillover effects are concentrated among the manufacturing firms in the same industry as Samsung Electronics. We also find that Samsung’s Consultation Program targeting vendors in the upstream sectors is associated with their productivity improvement and has little evidence of spillovers to other industries. Another key finding is the positive effects of the entry channel – new domestic firms tend to be more productive in the affected region and industries. Synthetic control analysis corroborates our results.