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전임교수 - 경제학과/글로벌경제학과

  • 교수 국제경제학
  • 김영한 홈페이지 바로가기


International Economics (International Policy Coordination for Financial and Trade Policies, Regional Economic Integration, Regional Integration and Industrial Relocation), Industrial Policies


  • Ph.D., Economics, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, US, June 1997
  • M.A., Economics, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, US, May 1994
  • B.A., Philosophy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, February 1985


  • 2009 – Present, Full Professor, Dept. of Economics, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2007 – 2008, Associate Visiting Professor, Dept. of Economics, University of California, San Diego.
  • 2003 – 2009, Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2001 – 2003, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.
  • 1999 – 2001, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of International Area Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea.
  • 1998 – 1999, Assistant Professor, Dept. of International Trade, Kangnam University, Korea.
  • 1996 – 1998, Chief Researcher, Samsung Economic Research Institute, Seoul.
  • 1994 – 1996, Associate Instructor, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
  • 1988 – 1992, Associate Researcher, Samsung Economic Research Institute, Seoul.
  • 1987 – 1988, Researcher, Korea Trade Promotion Corporation (Korean government institute).

학술지 논문

  • (2024)  Does cross-border M&A improve merging firms’ domestic performances?.  JOURNAL OF ASIAN ECONOMICS.  90,  1
  • (2023)  Welfare effects of introducing quality certification system for developing countries: Evidence from the Chinese experience.  JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.  32,  7
  • (2023)  The impact of macroprudential policy on inequality and implications for inclusive financial stability ?.  JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE.  146,  -
  • (2020)  기술력 격차를 보이는 국가 간의 전략적 R&D 정책의 후생효과분석.  무역연구.  16,  6
  • (2020)  Welfare implications of upstream subsidy in the presence of countervailing duties under limited verifiability.  INTERNATIONAL TAX AND PUBLIC FINANCE.  27,  3
  • (2018)  International policy coordination for financial regime stability under cross-border externalities.  JOURNAL OF BANKING FINANCE.  97, 
  • (2017)  Optimal Exit Costs of Foreign Direct Investment.  GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW.  46,  4
  • (2017)  국경간 외부성을 고려한 금융감독체제 연구.  국제경제연구.  23,  3
  • (2016)  Are rules of origin protective measures under preferential trade agreements?.  JOURNAL OF KOREA TRADE.  20,  1
  • (2016)  Is tied aid bad for the recipient countries?.  ECONOMIC MODELLING.  53,  1
  • (2015)  Cross-border interdependence of vertically related industries and welfare implications.  Procedia Economics and Finance.  30,  1
  • (2015)  Strategic R&D subsidies and product differentiation with asymmetric market size.  Procedia Economics and Finance.  30,  1
  • (2015)  Welfare Effects of Foreign Aids Policy Coordination among Asymmetric Donor Countries.  Procedia Economics and Finance.  30,  1
  • (2015)  ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION VERSUS INCENTIVES FOR FDI INFLOWS.  International Journal of Economic Sciences.  4,  1
  • (2014)  An Empirical Analysis of the Dynamic Relationship between Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Exports in East Asian Countries.  JOURNAL OF KOREA TRADE.  18,  3
  • (2013)  Welfare effects of competition for FDI between technologically asymmetric countries with varying trade costs.  ECONOMIC MODELLING.  35, 
  • (2013)  품질 비대칭성 하에서의 자유무역협정의 형태별 사회후생효과분석.  국제경제연구.  19,  2
  • (2013)  When does coordination for free trade regimes fail?.  ECONOMIC MODELLING.  31,  1
  • (2012)  The impacts of PTA formation on small economies' tax competition for FDI inflows.  ECONOMIC MODELLING.  29,  6
  • (2012)  Welfare effects of competitive lobbying efforts in international oligopoly markets.  ECONOMIC MODELLING.  29,  3


  • (2022)  복합위기시대의 국가전략.  성균관대학교 출판부.  공동
  • (2020)  국제평화경제사례와 한반도.  통일연구원.  공동
  • (2019)  Making Globalization More Inclusive.  World Trade Organization.  공동
  • (2019)  한국경제, 혼돈의 성찰.  21세기북스.  공동
  • (2015)  무역정책의 정치경제학 - 국제무역정책의 정치경제학적 구조와 한국경제의 미래 -.  마인드.  단독
  • (2014)  대한민국 역대정부 주요정책과 국정운영.  대영문화사.  공동
  • (2014)  지속가능한 자본주의체제와 경제적 합리성.  박영사.  단독
  • (2012)  학문연구의 동향과 쟁점-경제학.  대한민국 학술원.  공동
  • (2007)  한국형 개방전략-한미FTA와 대안적 발전모델.  창작과 비평사.  공동
  • (2007)  Regional Integration in East Asia-From the viewpoint of Spatial Economics.  Palgrave Macmillan.  공동
  • (2005)  한국의 경제정책.  박영사.  공동
  • (2005)  경제의 패러다임변화와 한국의 미래.  민음사.  공동
  • (2004)  한일FTA보완대책에 관한 연구.  한국경제연구원.  공동


  • (2024)  How can a lawless society evolve to a fair regime?.  26th INFER Annual Conference.  그리스
  • (2023)  Optimal path from kleptocracy to market economy.  The Twenty First Annual EEFS Conference.  독일
  • (2022)  Inclusive international coordination mechanism - The optimal transfer mechanism for sustainable policy coordination.  24th INFER Annual Conference.  루마니아
  • (2018)  WELFARE IMPLICATIONS OF UPSTREAM SUBSIDY, COUNTERVAILING DUTIES, AND LIMITED VERIFIABILITY.  Proceedings of the 38th International Academic Conference, IISES, Prague.  체코
  • (2016)  Optimal policy coordination for regime stability under informational barriers about political economic fundamentals.  The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of International Economics (JSIE).  일본
  • (2016)  Optimal exit costs of foreign direct investment.  18th INFER annual conference.  스페인
  • (2014)  Optimal Strategies for Preferential Trade Agreement considering Rules of Origin against Global Outsourcing.  16th Annual Conference of ETSG.  독일
  • (2014)  Are Tied ODAs Bad for the Recipient Countries?.  16th INFER Annual Conference Proceeding.  이탈리아
  • (2013)  The Impacts of Public Provision on Price Competition in the Least Developing Countries.  한국국제경제학회 동계학술대회 논문집.  대한민국
  • (2013)  The Future of Korea-Indonesia Economic Cooperation: Bilateral Investment Cooperation & Investment Risks.  The 8th International Conference on Business and Management Research.  대한민국
  • (2013)  International Policy Coordination for Finanacial Regulation with Politically Influential Banks.  15th Annual Conference of INFER.  프랑스
  • (2012)  무역환경의 변화와 한국의 무역구조 전망.  한국국제경제학회 정책세미나.  대한민국
  • (2012)  When does coordination for free trade regimes fail?.  Annual Conference of European Trade Study Group.  벨기에
  • (2012)  한중 경제환경의 변화와 한중FTA의 전망.  한국국제경제학회 정책세미나 발표논문집.  대한민국
  • (2012)  International Coordination for Regime Changes.  87th Annual Conference, of Western Economic Association.  미국
  • (2011)  International trade policy coordination under informational barriers.  한국국제경제학회 정기학술대회 발표논문집.  대한민국
  • (2010)  International policy coordination under cross-border externalities in financial markets.  2010년 한국국제경제학회 동계학술대회 논문집.  대한민국
  • (2010)  Optimal policy coordination for financial regultion in Asian countries.  Proceedings of the 14th International Conference, The Korean Economic Association.  대한민국
  • (2010)  International Policy Coordination for Financial Regulation to Reduce Moral Hazard of Financial Intermediaries.  Proceedings of Annual Conference of WEAI, 2010.  미국