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전임교수 - 경제학과/글로벌경제학과

  • 부교수
  • 최재성 홈페이지 바로가기
  • 02-760-0146
  • 국제관 3층 90304호실


Labor Economics, Economics of Education, Demography, Program Evaluation 


  • BA, Yonsei University, 2007
  • PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 2013


  • 2013-Present, Sungkyunkwan University

학술지 논문

  • (2024)  Association between work from home and health-related productivity loss among Korean employees.  Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.  36, 
  • (2024)  데이터 기반 경제학 연구의 현황과 과제.  경제학연구.  72,  1
  • (2023)  The long-run causal effects of single-sex schooling on work-related outcomes in South Korea.  RESEARCH IN SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND MOBILITY.  89, 
  • (2023)  Gendered Trends and Patterns of Attitudes Toward Remarriage Among the Divorced in South Korea.  POPULATION RESEARCH AND POLICY REVIEW.  42,  1
  • (2023)  Who is the most precarious among the nonstandard workers? A comparative study of unmet medical needs among standard workers and subtypes of nonstandard workers.  JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH.  65,  1
  • (2021)  The effect of delaying school start time on adolescents' time use and health: evidence from a policy change in South Korea.  ASIAN POPULATION STUDIES.  17,  1
  • (2020)  Is Educational Level Linked to Unable to Work Due to Ill-health?.  SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK.  11,  2
  • (2020)  Changes in Early Labor Market Outcomes among Young College Graduates in South Korea.  ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE.  688,  1
  • (2019)  학자금 대출 경험이 노동시장 초기행태에 미치는 영향.  경제분석.  25,  4
  • (2019)  Does working long hours increase the risk of cardiovascular disease for everyone?.  JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH.  61,  6
  • (2019)  Polarized embrace: South Korean media coverage of human rights, 1990-2016.  JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS.  18,  4
  • (2019)  The Impact of Working Hours on Cardiovascular Diseases and Moderating Effects of Sex and Type of Work Results From a Longitudinal Analysis of the Korean Working Population.  JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE.  61,  6
  • (2019)  Suicide Trends over Time by Occupation in Korea and Their Relationship to Economic Downturns.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH.  16,  11
  • (2018)  Do single-sex schools enhance students' STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) outcomes?.  ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW.  62, 
  • (2017)  특성화고 출신 고졸 여성의 선취업 후진학 선택에 관한 분석.  여성연구.  94,  3
  • (2017)  Social-psychological and educational outcomes associated with peer victimization among Korean adolescents.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT.  41,  3
  • (2016)  Learning Beyond the School Walls: Trends and Implications.  ANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY.  42, 
  • (2016)  가족구조에 따른 미성년 자녀의 의료이용 분석.  한국사회복지학.  68,  3
  • (2016)  학원정보 공공데이터를 활용한 서울시 사교육 공급에 관한 분석.  조사연구.  17,  3


  • (2022)  전환과 변동의 시대 사회과학.  성균관대학교출판부.  공동


  • Samsung Research Grant: 2017-2018
  • Korean Millennials - Coming of Age in the Era of Inequality: 2016-2021 (CI, AKS-2016-LAB-2250002)
  • SSK(Social Science Korea) Human Rights Forum: 2016-2020 (CI, NRF-2016S1A3A2925085)
  • Sungkyun Research Grant: 2014-2015
  • Fellowship for Doctoral Study, Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies: 2008-2013


  • (2023)  Gender Differences in the Temporal Trends of Living Arrangement among Korean Youth.  Research on East Asian Demography and Inequality 1st Annual Conference.  일본
  • (2022)  법학전문대학원 도입에 따른 법조인 노동시장의 변화.  2021 불평등연구회 학술심포지엄.  대한민국
  • (2021)  The Decline of Social Mobility Perception in South Korea.  Korean Millennials Annual Meeting.  미국
  • (2020)  The Effect of Delaying School Start Time on Adolescents’ Time Use and Health: Evidence From a Policy Change.  2019 Seoul Conference on Human Rights.  대한민국
  • (2020)  Delaying School Start Time on Adolescents’ Time Use in South Korea.  Korean Studies Program Colloquium.  미국
  • (2019)  Temporal change in the early labor market outcomes of young college graduates in South Korea.  Diverse Stories of Coming of Age Among East Asians and Asian Americans.  대한민국
  • (2019)  The Effect of Delaying School Start Time on Adolescents’ Time Use and Health: Evidence from a Policy Change in Korea.  Western Economic Association International.  일본
  • (2018)  The effect of delaying school start time on adolescents' time use and health: Evidence from a policy change in Korea.  조사연구학회 추계학술대회.  대한민국
  • (2018)  비교집단 내 상대적 위치와 사회 이동성 인식.  한국조사연구학회 추계학술대회.  대한민국
  • (2018)  Coverage of Human Rights in South Korean Print Media: A Big Data Approach.  113th ASA Annual Meeting.  미국
  • (2018)  Increasing Trend in Happiness and Happiness Inequality among Korean Youth.  국제정치학회 하계학술대회.  대한민국
  • (2018)  Health and work capacity among Korean elderly.  한국인구학회 학술대회.  대한민국
  • (2018)  사회이동성 인식 변화에 관한 연구: 비교 집단의 역할을 중심으로.  한국인구학회 전기학술대회.  대한민국
  • (2018)  한국 청소년의 행복 추이와 행복불평등.  한국인구학회 학술대회.  대한민국
  • (2018)  Health, Work Capacity, and Retirement at Older Ages: Evidence from South Korea.  고용패널조사 학술대회.  대한민국
  • (2018)  Health, Work Capacity, and Retirement at Older Ages: Evidence from South Korea.  Conference for "Trends and Determinants of Retirement and Related Policies in Asia".  싱가포르
  • (2017)  Temporal Change in the Early Labor Market Outcomes of Young College Graduates in South Korea.  Labor Market Uncertainties for Youth and Young Adults.  싱가포르
  • (2017)  공무원 시험 준비와 합격: 대학 서열과 사회경제적 배경을 중심으로.  2017년 한국노동경제학회 하계학술대회.  몽골
  • (2017)  Challenges and Opportunities for Korean and Korean American Studies.  6th Annual Conference of Association of Korean Sociologists in America.  캐나다
  • (2017)  대학생의 공무원 시험 준비와 합격: 대학 서열과 사회경제적 배경을 중심으로.  제5회 한국불평등연구 심포지엄.  대한민국