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전임교수 - 경제학과/글로벌경제학과

  • 부교수 산업조직론
  • 김현철 홈페이지 바로가기
  • 02-760-0147
  • 다산경제관 4층 32409호실


 Industrial Organization, Applied Econometrics


  • BA in Economics, Seoul National University, 2004
  • PhD in Economics, University of Minnesota, 2013


  • 2013-present. Sungkyunkwan University

학술지 논문

  • (2024)  공정거래위원회의 경제분석: 학원사업자 간의 기업결합.  산업조직연구.  32,  2
  • (2023)  Tax incidence for menthol cigarettes by race: Evidence from Nielsen Homescan data.  JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS.  92,  1
  • (2021)  Racial demographics and cigarette tax shifting: evidence from scanner data.  EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS.  61,  2
  • (2021)  대기오염 수준이 교통수단별 통행시간에 미치는 영향 분석.  자원환경경제연구.  30,  2
  • (2020)  수송부문의 온실가스 감축 정책의 효과 분석: 저탄소차협력금제도를 중심으로.  산업조직연구.  28,  3
  • (2019)  Early adopters of new supermarket products.  APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS.  26,  14
  • (2017)  Estimating store choices with endogenous shopping bundles and price uncertainty.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION.  54, 
  • (2017)  Do vertically and horizontally integrated firms survive longer? The case of cable networks in Korea.  INFORMATION ECONOMICS AND POLICY.  39, 
  • (2016)  Quantifying substitution of mVoIP for cellular telephony in Korea.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS.  14,  5
  • (2016)  The Determinants of Cartel Duration in Korea.  REVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION.  48, 
  • (2016)  Spillover effects of temporary price cuts: Evidence from U.S. scanner data.  Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics.  27,  1
  • (2016)  방송통신서비스 결합상품에서의 공짜마케팅 효과.  산업조직연구.  24,  1
  • (2015)  What Forms and Reforms Banking Regulations? A Cross-National Study.  EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE.  50,  6
  • (2015)  Price discrimination and sequential contracting in monopolistic input markets.  ECONOMICS LETTERS.  128, 


  • (2018)  Multiproduct Search and Retail Pricing: Some Empirical Results.  Western Economic Association International Annual Conference.  캐나다
  • (2017)  Multiproduct Search and Retail Pricing: Some Empirical Results.  2017년 산업조직학회 하계 정기학술대회.  대한민국
  • (2017)  Multiproduct Search and Retail Pricing: Some Empirical Results.  The 4th Conference of the International Association for Applied Econometrics.  일본
  • (2016)  Estimating Store Choices with Endogenous Shopping Bundles and Price Uncertainty.  43rd Annual Conference of the EARIE.  포르투갈
  • (2016)  Racial Demographics and Cigarette Tax Shifting: Evidence from Scanner Data.  The 17th KEA International Conference.  대한민국
  • (2015)  은행 부문 규제감독제도가 은행성과에 미치는 영향.  2015 경제학 공동학술대회.  대한민국
  • (2014)  Mobile Voice over Internet Protocol (mVoIP): Substitution for Cellular Telephony and Net Neutrality.  16th Korean Economic Association International Conference.  대한민국
  • (2014)  Estimation of Store Choice Model with Endogenous Shopping Bundles.  12th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference.  미국