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전임교수 - 경제학과/글로벌경제학과

  • 교수 자산가격론, 머신러닝, 행동주의 재무, 부동산 가격
  • 황수성 홈페이지 바로가기


자산가격, 부동산 가격, 포트폴리오, 행동기반 투자론, 금융계량, 기계학습


  • 박사, 경제학과, 케임브리지 대학, 영국
  • 석사, LSE, 영국
  • 석사, 경영학과, 연세대학교
  • 학사, 경영학과, 연세대학교


  • 헤지펀드 매니저, GSA Capital, 런던
  • 교수, Cass Business School, 런던
  • 연구원, Department of Applied Economics, 케임브리지 대학
  • 연구원, 자본시장연구원, 서울
  • 펀드매니저, 동서증권, 서울
  • 공인회계사, Arthur Young International, 서울

학술지 논문

  • (2024)  Long-term dynamic asset allocation under asymmetric risk preferences.  EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH.  312,  2
  • (2023)  In search of pairs using firm fundamentals: is pairs trading profitable?.  EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FINANCE.  29,  5
  • (2022)  The Effects of Sentiment on Extreme Movements in Exchange Rates.  International Economic Journal.  36,  3
  • (2022)  Bayesian Selection of Asset Pricing Factors Using Individual Stocks*.  JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMETRICS.  20,  4
  • (2022)  The cost of overconfidence in public information.  INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS.  79, 
  • (2021)  Beta herding through overconfidence: A behavioral explanation of the low-beta anomaly.  JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE.  113,  1
  • (2020)  The impact of UK household overconfidence in public information on house prices.  Journal of Property Research.  37,  4
  • (2019)  네트워크를 통해 분석한 국내 금융기관간 상호연계성 연구 - 외환위기와 글로벌금융위기를 중심으로-.  금융안정연구.  20,  1
  • (2018)  An Analysis of Herding in the Korean Stock Market Using Network Theory.  한국증권학회지.  47,  3
  • (2018)  Loss aversion around the world: Empirical evidence from pension funds.  JOURNAL OF BANKING FINANCE.  88,  1
  • (2016)  Does illiquidity matter in residential properties?.  APPLIED ECONOMICS.  49,  1
  • (2015)  Market overreaction and investment strategies.  APPLIED ECONOMICS.  47,  54
  • (2015)  The disappearance of momentum.  EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FINANCE.  21,  7
  • (2015)  주택시장의 과신과 가격거품.  부동산학연구.  21,  1
  • (2014)  The Dynamics of Appraisal Smoothing.  REAL ESTATE ECONOMICS.  42,  2
  • (2014)  Testing linear factor models on individual stocks using the average F-test.  EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FINANCE.  20,  5
  • (2013)  A behavioral explanation of the value anomaly based on time-varying return reversals.  JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE.  37,  7
  • (2012)  Commercial Real Estate Returns: An Anatomy of Smoothing in Asset and Index Returns.  REAL ESTATE ECONOMICS.  40,  4
  • (2012)  Some Exact Results for an asset pricing test based on the Average F Distribution.  Theoretical Economics Letters.  2,  5
  • (2012)  The Optimal Mortgage Loan Portfolio in UK Regional Residential Real Estate.  JOURNAL OF REAL ESTATE FINANCE AND ECONOMICS.  45,  3


  • (2018)  재무경제학.  피엔씨미디어.  주저자


  • An Analysis of Herding in the Korean Stock Market Using Network Theory, 최우수 논문, 재무금융관련 5개학회 공동, 2016.
  • 주택시장의 과신과 가격거품 (Overconfidence and Price Bubbles in the Housing Markets) with Jinho Shin, 2015, Journal of the Korea Real Estate Analysts Association 21(1), 5-29, 한국부동산분석학회 2015년 최우수논문
  • Excessive Arbitrage Trading by Overconfidence, the 9th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 2014, Best paper award.
  • SKKU 펠로우, 성균관대학교, 2010-2011