- 부교수 거시경제, 국제금융, 빅데이터 분석, Machine Learning Applications to Macroeconomics
- 조두연
- 02-760-0148
- dooyeoncho@g.skku.edu
- 교수회관 3층 40301호실
Macroeconomics, International Finance, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning Applications to Macroeconomics
- Ph.D. in Economics, Michigan State University
- M.S. in Applied Statistics, Michigan State University
- M.A. in Economics, Michigan State University
- B.A. in Economics, Yonsei University
- 2013–2015. Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Kookmin University
- 2012–2013, Associate Research Fellow, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
학술지 논문
- (2023) Government Debt and Fiscal Multipliers in the Era of Population Aging. MACROECONOMIC DYNAMICS.
- (2023) Reassessing growth vulnerability. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS. 39, 1
- (2023) Determinants of market-assessed sovereign default risk: Macroeconomic fundamentals or global shocks?. INTERNATIONAL FINANCE. 27, 1
- (2023) Effects of monetary policy uncertainty on debt financing: Evidence from Korean heterogeneous firms. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE. 139,
- (2023) Dynamic Spillovers of Economic Policy Uncertainty Across the US, Europe, and East Asia. GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW. 52, 3
- (2023) Approximating long-memory processes with low-order autoregressions: Implications for modeling realized volatility. EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS. 64, 6
- (2023) Macroeconomic effects of uncertainty shocks: Evidence from Korea. JOURNAL OF ASIAN ECONOMICS. 84, 1
- (2022) Combining Long and Short Memory in Time Series Models: the Role of Asymptotic Correlations of the MLEs. Econometrics and Statistics.
- (2022) Population aging and fiscal sustainability: Nonlinear evidence from Europe. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE. 126, 1
- (2021) On asymmetric volatility effects in currency markets. EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS. 62, 5
- (2021) The tail behavior of safe haven currencies: A cross-quantilogram analysis. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS INSTITUTIONS MONEY.
- (2021) On the predictability of the distribution of excess returns in currency markets. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 37, 2
- (2020) Measuring the time-varying effects of fiscal policy on private saving in the process of financial integration. REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS. 28, 1
- (2019) Time variation in the persistence of unemployment over the past century. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 182,
- (2019) Long Memory, Realized Volatility and Heterogeneous Autoregressive Models. JOURNAL OF TIME SERIES ANALYSIS. 40, 4
- (2019) Carry trades and endogenous regime switches in exchange rate volatility. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS INSTITUTIONS MONEY. 58, 1
- (2019) Can structural changes in the persistence of the forward premium explain the forward premium anomaly?. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS INSTITUTIONS MONEY. 58,
- (2014) Time Variation in the Standard Forward Premium Regression: Some New Models and Tests. JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL FINANCE. 29, 1
- (2014) Trade Intensity and Purchasing Power Parity. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS. 93, 1
- (2013) Business Cycle Accounting East and West: Asian Finance and the Investment Wedge. REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS. 16, 4
- Research Grant, The National Research Foundation of Korea, 2024–2025
- Research Grant, The National Research Foundation of Korea, 2023–2024
- Sungkyun Research Fund, Sungkyunkwan University, 2020-2021
- Excellent Article Award, The National Research Foundation of Korea, 2015
- Research Grant, The National Research Foundation of Korea, 2014–2015
- New Faculty Research Grant, Kookmin University, 2013
- Graduate Assistantship, Michigan State University, 2005–2011
- (2023) Effects of nonverbal policy communications on the crude oil market: The role of economic policy uncertainty. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Midwest Econometrics Group. 미국
- (2023) Government debt and fiscal multipliers in the era of population aging. 2023 European Economics and Finance Society 20th Annual Conference. 독일
- (2023) Government debt and fiscal multipliers in the era of population aging. 2023 Western Economic Association 17th International Conference. 오스트레일리아
- (2022) Government Debt and Fiscal Multipliers in the Era of Population Aging. Midwest Econometrics Group (MEG) 2022 Conference. 미국
- (2022) Government Debt and Fiscal Multipliers in the Era of Population Aging. Korean Economic Association 70th Anniversary International Conference. 대한민국
- (2021) Inflation targeting under commitment or discretion: does an improvement in macroeconomic conditions matter?. 26th International Panel Data Conference. EU연합
- (2019) On the Predictability of the Distribution of Excess Returns in Currency Markets. 한국국제경제학회 동계학술대회. 대한민국
- (2019) On the Predictability of the Distribution of Excess Returns in Currency Markets. Midwest Econometrics Group 29th Annual Meeting. 미국
- (2019) The Tail Behavior of Safe Haven Currencies: A Cross-Quantilogram Analysis. Sixth Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Econometrics. 사이프러스
- (2018) On the Predictability of the Distribution of Excess Returns in Currency Markets. Southern Economic Association 88th Annual Meetings. 미국
- (2017) On Asymmetric Volatility Effects in Currency Markets. 2017 40th International Panel Data Conference (IPDC). 그리스
- (2017) Can Structural Changes in the Persistence of the Forward Premium Explain the Forward Premium Anomaly?. 한국국제금융학회. 대한민국
- (2016) Reinvestigating the Persistence of the Forward Premium in the Joint Presence of Nonlinearity, Asymmetry, and Structural Changes. Southern Economic Association 86th Annual Meeting. 미국
- (2016) Carry Trade Returns and Predicting Global Foreign Exchange Volatility in a Nonlinear Long Memory Framework. 한국국제금융학회. 대한민국
- (2015) Uncovered Interest Parity, Covered Interest Arbitrage, and Funding Liquidity Constraints. Southern Economic Association 85th Annual Meeting. 미국